If you would like to be a part of the 2024 Atlanta Pride Parade, please select the appropriate application below to begin the process. Your application will be reviewed within three to five (3 - 5) business days. Applications are at the bottom of the page, please read this page for important information.


Applications Open: MARCH 15
Application Deadline: JULY 15
*Late Registration: JULY 16 - AUGUST 30

*Late Registration is only opened if spaces are still available in the parade. If no spaces are available, there will be no Late Registration


Pedestrian Groups

Pedestrian Groups are catgegorized as Small and Large.

  • Small Pedestrian Groups are groups of less than 50 people.
  • Large Pedestrian Groups consist of 51 - 100 participants.

You may purchase more spaces for participants up to 100 for an additional fee for each grouping of 50 participants. The maximum number of participants for any non-sponsored walking contingent is 200.



Political Application

This parade application allows Politicians, Political Groups and Campaigns currently seeking or serving an elected office or political party to participate in the 2024 Pride Festival.
A Politician is defined as any person or campaign that is elected to public office. Examples of those who should complete this form:

  • City Council Members
  • Local Sherriff Officers
  • Judges / District Attorneys
  • Senators / Congress Person (seated or running)
  • Mayors or Governors (seated or running)
  • Local, Regional, or State Representatives
  • Political Party Affiliate (Dems/Reps of Atlanta, etc.)


This parade application allows Nonprofit Organizations to participate in the 2024 Atlanta Pride Festival.
A Nonprofit Organization is defined as any registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization or government agency.
Examples of acceptable nonprofit organizations:

  • Registered 501(c)(3) charitable organizations
  • Schools (public and private)
  • Student-led organizations (with school sponsorship)
  • Community organizations (garden clubs, nonpolitical special interests, etc.)
  • Foreign embassies / diplomatic corps
  • Government agencies (Dept. of Public Health, National Park Service, etc.)

Please do not complete this application if you are a politician or associated with a political party/organization.

Small Business

This parade application allows Small Businesses to participate in the 2024 Atlanta Pride Festival.
A small business is defined as a for-profit organization that meets the following criteria:

  • Annual gross revenue of under $1 million for the most recent fiscal year.
  • Employs twenty (20) or fewer full-time employees (FTEs).
  • Operates only within the State of Georgia (out-of-state shipping is okay).


This parade application allows Corporations to participate in the 2024 Atlanta Pride Festival.
A Corporation is defined as any for-profit business that meets the following criteria:

  • Annual gross revenue of over $1 million for the most recent fiscal year.
  • Employs twenty (20) or more full-time employees.

This is not an application for Sponsorship. If you are interested in sponsoring the Atlanta Pride Festival, please email [email protected].

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